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/************************************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 115px*************************************************/ /* block 115 border green background green-light*/ .tipsReassurance { position : relative; background : url('../../module/images/115_reassurance_push_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 115px; margin-bottom : 10px; _margin-bottom:15px; } .tipsReassuranceTop, .tipsReassuranceBottom { width : 115px; height : 6px; display : block; } .tipsReassuranceTop { background : url('../../module/images/115_reassurance_push_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .tipsReassuranceBottom { background : url('../../module/images/115_reassurance_push_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; _position: absolute; } div.tipsReassurance h1.title { display : block; font-weight : bold; margin-left : 6px; margin-right : 8px; margin-bottom : 8px; color : #006501; font-size:10px; 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left; width : 115px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybrBottom, .block_115_transgenericpush_greybrTop { width : 115px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybrTop { background : url('../../module/images/115_graybrdl_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybrBottom { background : url('../../module/images/115_graybrdl_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; _top:6px; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content { padding : 0 5px; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content p { margin-top : 10px; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content p a.link { font-size : 10px; color : #000; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content ul { list-style-type : disc; padding-left : 16px; margin-top : 10px; } .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content a.link, .block_115_transgenericpush_greybr .content a.link:hover { font : 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color : #000; text-decoration : underline; } /* /added by Olivier le 24 avril */ /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 175px*************************************************/ /* Best Deals push*/ .pushBestDeals { position : relative; background : url('../../module/images/push_right_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 175px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .bestDealsBottom, .bestDealsTop { display : block; width : 175px; height : 4px; } .bestDealsTop { background : url('../../module/images/push_right_bg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .bestDealsBottom { background : url('../../module/images/push_right_bg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; } .pushBestDeals h1 { font-size : 11px; font-weight : bold; color : #026201; text-transform : uppercase; padding : 3px 7px 2px 7px; } .pushBestDeals p { padding : 2px 7px 2px 7px; } .pushBestDeals .lien { width : 175px; line-height : 20px; margin : 10px 7px 10px 7px; } .pushBestDeals a { text-decoration : underline; } .barred { text-decoration : line-through; } .pushBestDeals table.result { margin : 0 0 10px 5px; width : 95%; } .pushBestDeals table.result td { font-size : 11px; padding : 2px 10px 2px 0; } .pushBestDeals table.result td.last { font-size : 11px; padding : 2px 2px 2px 0; } .pushBestDeals table.result thead td { font-weight : bold; color : #007800; } .pushBestDeals table.result td a { text-decoration : underline; } .pushBestDeals table.result td.oldprice { text-decoration : line-through; } .pushBestDeals table.result td.newprice { color : #007800; } /* block_175_promopush_li */ .block_175_promopush_li { width : 175px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg { width : 175px; height : 68px; background : no-repeat top left; } .block_175_promopush_li .center { text-align : center; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .titrepromo { font-size : 10px; font-weight : normal; margin-top : 5px; } 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.block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .right_white a { color : white; text-decoration : none; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .center_black a, .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .left_black a, .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .right_black a { color : black; text-decoration : none; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .center_white { color : white; text-align : center; padding : 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .center_black { color : black; text-align : center; padding : 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .left_white { margin-left : 5px; color : white; text-align : left; padding : 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .left_black { margin-left : 5px; color : black; text-align : left; padding : 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .right_white { color : white; text-align : right; } .block_175_promopush_li .largeimg .right_black { margin-right : 5px; color : black; text-align : right; padding : 5px 5px 5px 5px; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 185px*************************************************/ /* block_185_dyk_push */ .block_185_dyk_push { position : relative; background : url('../../module/images/185_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 185px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .block_185_dyk_pushBottom, .block_185_dyk_pushTop { width : 185px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_185_dyk_pushTop { background : url('../../module/images/185_greenbrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_185_dyk_pushBottom { background : url('../../module/images/185_greenbrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; } .block_185_dyk_push .content { padding : 0 5px 0 5px; _padding : 2px 5px 0 5px; margin : 0; } .block_185_dyk_push .titleblock { clear : both; padding : 0; } .block_185_dyk_push .contentblock { clear : both; padding : 0 5px 0 5px; } .block_185_dyk_push img.icon { margin-right : 5px; float : left; } .block_185_dyk_push .content img.imgarc { /*background : url('../../module/images/arc_gray_whitebg.gif') no-repeat bottom center;*/ margin-left : 0; margin-right : 0; margin-top : 0; margin-bottom : 4px; } .block_185_dyk_push .content h2 { font-size : 11px; color : #007800; font-weight : bold; padding-top : 3px; } .block_185_dyk_push .content a.link { color : #007800; text-decoration : underline; } .block_185_dyk_push .content p { font-size : 11px; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 175px*************************************************/ /* block 175 border bg white maincontent_175_dealspush */ .maincontent_175_dealspush .content { margin : 5px 7px 5px 7px; width : 170px; } .maincontent_175_dealspush .content img.imgcard { margin : 5px 7px 3px 3px; float : right; } 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black; font-weight : bold; } #contentsRight table.result { margin-top : 10px; width : 100%; } #contentsRight table.result td { font-size : 11px; padding : 2px 10px 2px 0; } #contentsRight table.result td.last { font-size : 11px; padding : 2px 2px 2px 0; } #contentsRight table.result thead td { font-weight : bold; color : #007800; } #contentsRight table.result td a { text-decoration : underline; } #contentsRight table.result td.oldprice { text-decoration : line-through; } #contentsRight table.result td.newprice { color : #007800; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 240px*************************************************/ /* Left block 240 border green bg lightgreen left_240_green */ .left_240_green { background : url('../../module/images/240_green_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 240px; } .left_240_greenBottom, .left_240_greenTop { width : 240px; height : 6px; display : block; } .left_240_greenTop { background : url('../../module/images/240_green_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .left_240_greenBottom { background : url('../../module/images/240_green_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; margin-top : 15px; _margin-top: 0; } .left_240_green .content { padding : 4px 10px 4px 10px; margin : 0; } .left_240_green .content h2 { font-size : 15px; color : #007800; font-weight : bold; } .left_240_green .content h3 { margin-top : 10px; font-size : 12px; color : black; font-weight : bold; } .left_240_green .content .grayline { clear : both; display : block; border-top : 1px solid #999999; margin : 10px 0 -5px 0; } .left_240_green .content a.link { color : black; text-decoration : underline; } .left_240_green .content p { margin : 7px 0; } .left_240_green ul { list-style-type : none; color : #7f7f7f; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 270px*************************************************/ /* block_270_content_paragraph_button */ .block_270_content_paragraph_button { float : left; background : url('../../module/images/270_graybrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 270px; margin-bottom : 10px !important ; margin-bottom : 15px; } .block_270_content_paragraph_buttonBottom, .block_270_content_paragraph_buttonTop { width : 270px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_270_content_paragraph_buttonTop { background : url('../../module/images/270_graybrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_270_content_paragraph_buttonBottom { background : url('../../module/images/270_graybrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative !important ; position : absolute; } .block_270_content_paragraph_button .content { width : 250px; margin-left : 7px; } .block_270_content_paragraph_button .content img.imgcard { float : left; margin : 0 12px 7px 0; } 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: relative; margin-top : 15px; _margin-top: 0; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content { padding : 4px 10px 4px 10px; margin : 0; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content img.imgcard { float : left; margin : 0 7px 7px 0; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content h2 { font-size : 11px; color : #007800; font-weight : bold; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content h3 { font-size : 14px; color : black; font-weight : bold; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content .grayline { clear : both; display : block; border-top : 1px solid #999999; margin : 10px 0 -5px 0; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content a.link { color : black; text-decoration : underline; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .content p { margin-top : 10px; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg ul { list-style-type:disk; padding-left : 17px; } .maincontent_315_graybrd_whitebg .label { float : left; width : 150px; font-weight : bold; } /*Promos push*/ #pushPromos, #pushOffer { position : absolute; background : url('../../module/images/push_promos_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 315px; } #pushPromos #promosBottom, #pushPromos #promosTop, #pushOffer #promosTop, #pushOffer #promosBottom { display : block; width : 315px; height : 4px; } #pushPromos #promosTop, #pushOffer #promosTop { background : url('../../module/images/push_promos_bg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } #pushPromos #promosBottom, #pushOffer #promosBottom { background : url('../../module/images/push_promos_bg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; } #contentPromos, #contentOffer, #contentLoyaltyBlock { position : relative; } #pushPromos #promosImg { position : relative; float : left; width : 95px; left : 5px; } #pushPromos #promosPrice { position : relative; left : 10px; } #pushPromos h1, #pushOffer h1 { position : relative; font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold; color : #006600; left : 10px; margin-right : 5px; margin-bottom : 5px; } #pushPromos h2 { position : relative; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; color : #000000; left : 10px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 5px; } #pushPromos #buttonPromos { margin-right : 5px; text-align : right; height : 20px; vertical-align : top; display : block; } /*Offer push*/ #pushOffer #pushOfferImg { position : relative; float : left; width : 99px; left : 5px; } #pushOffer h2 { position : relative; font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold; color : #000000; left : 10px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 5px; } #pushOffer h3 { position : relative; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; color : #000000; left : 10px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 5px; } #pushOffer #buttonOffer { margin-right : 5px; text-align : right; height : 20px; vertical-align : top; display : block; } #pushOffer ul { position : relative; font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; color : #000000; left : 10px; margin-left : 5px; margin-right : 15px; margin-top : 15px; } /* block 315 border green bg white 315_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg */ .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg { position : relative; background : url('../../module/images/315_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 315px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebgBottom, .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebgTop { width : 315px; height : 6px; display : block; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebgTop { background : url('../../module/images/315_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebgBottom { background : url('../../module/images/315_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; _top:7px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content { padding : 4px 6px 20px 10px; _padding:4px 6px 4px 10px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content img.imgcard { float : left; margin : 0 7px 7px 0; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content h2 { font-size : 12px; color : #007800; font-weight : bold; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content h3 { font-size : 14px; color : black; font-weight : bold; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content .grayline { clear : both; display : block; border-top : 1px solid #999999; margin : 10px 0 -5px 0; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content a.link { text-decoration : underline; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content p { margin-top : 10px; font-size: 12px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg ul { list-style-type:disk; padding-left : 17px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .label { float : left; width : 150px; font-weight : bold; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .promo .sup { font-size : 11px; font-weight : normal; vertical-align : text-bottom; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .promo { font-size : 20px; font-weight : normal; margin : 2px 0 0 0; height : 40px; } .maincontent_315_greenbrd_whitebg .content .promo .lead { position : relative; float : left; /*background : url('../../module/images/arc_small_yellow_blackbg.gif') no-repeat bottom center;*/ height : 20px; width : 15px; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 435px*************************************************/ /* block_435_maincontent_3col_wb greenbg or whitebg */ .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb { width : 435px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .greenbg { width : 435px; background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .whitebg { width : 435px; background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .Bottom, .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .Top { width : 435px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .greenbg .Top { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .greenbg .Bottom { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .whitebg .Top { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .whitebg .Bottom { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .content { padding : 1px 7px 1px 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb h2 { font-size : 11px; color : #007800; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .colleft { width : 135px; float : left; margin : 7px 6px 0 0; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb .lastcol { margin : 7px 0 0 283px; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb p { margin-bottom : 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb a.link { color : #007800; text-decoration : underline; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb ul { list-style-type:disk; margin : 0; padding : 0; margin-bottom : 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_3col_wb ul li { margin-left : 13px; _margin-left:16px; } /* block_435_promopush_si */ .block_435_promopush_si { position : relative; background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 435px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .block_435_promopush_siBottom, .block_435_promopush_siTop { position : relative; width : 435px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_435_promopush_siTop { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_435_promopush_siBottom { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; _top:7px; } .block_435_promopush_si .content { padding : 1px 7px 3px 7px; _padding:3px 7px 3px 7px; } .block_435_promopush_si .content img.imgcard { float : left; margin : 0 12px 7px 0; } #imgcardpartners { margin : 0 12px 0 0; } .block_435_promopush_si .content h2 { font-size : 13px; color : #007800; font-weight : bold; } .block_435_promopush_si .content .promo { margin-top : 3px; padding-bottom : 3px; } .block_435_promopush_si .content .promo .lead { font-size : 25px; font-weight : normal; padding-bottom : 3px; margin-left : 10px; } .block_435_promopush_si .content .promo .sup { font-size : 15px; font-weight : normal; vertical-align : top; } .block_435_promopush_si .content a.link { color : #007800; text-decoration : underline; } .block_435_promopush_si .content p { margin-top : 7px; } .block_435_promopush_si .content .lead { /*background : url('../../module/images/arc_yellow_whitebg.gif') no-repeat bottom center;*/ } /*ajout 20060510*/ .block_435_promopush_si .morepartnersdivcontent { float : left; display : block; width : 313px; min-height : 57px; _height:57px; } .block_435_promopush_si .morepartnersdivtitle { float : left; width : 313px; margin-top : -1px; _margin-top:-1px; } #bodyTemplateG1_3 .content .block_435_promopush_si p { margin-bottom : 46px; } /* block_435_maincontent_nb */ .block_435_maincontent_nb { width : 435px; float : left; } /* by default h2 is black and h3 is green, in a greenheading div h2 is green and h3 is black You can adding title colors by creation of .colorheading div */ .block_435_maincontent_nb h2 { font-size : 14px; font-weight : bold; margin-bottom : 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb h3 { color : #007800; font-size : 13px; font-weight : bold; margin-bottom : 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .greenheading h2 { color : #007800; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .greenheading h3 { color : black; } .block_435_maincontent_nb ul { list-style-type:disk; margin : 0; padding : 0; } .block_435_maincontent_nb ul li { margin-left : 15px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb p { margin-top : 7px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb img.smallimage { margin : 0 10px 0 0; float : left; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbg { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 435px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbgBottom, .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbgTop { width : 435px; height : 6px; display : block; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbgTop { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbgBottom { background : url('../../module/images/435_greenbrd_greenbg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; position : relative; _top:7px; } .block_435_maincontent_nb .block_435_greenbrd_greenbg .content { padding : 4px 10px 4px 10px; } /*435 px main content with tool icons - grey border*/ a.buttontools { float : right; } /*435 px main content with buttons - green border*/ .main435 { position : relative; width : 445px; height : 505px; } .main435 h2, .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg h1 { position : relative; font : bold 13px verdana, arial, sans-serif; color : #006501; margin-right : 10px; } .main435 p, .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg h1 { position : relative; font : normal 10px verdana, arial, sans-serif; color : #000; padding-bottom : 5px; margin : 5px 10px 0 0; } .main435 #contentdyn { position : relative; width : 435px; background : url('../../module/images/435_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; padding : 5px 10px 20px; _padding-bottom:0; } #contentdyn435 { position : relative; width : 435px; background : url('../../module/images/435_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; margin : 0 5px; padding : 5px 0 20px; _padding-bottom: 0; } .main435 #content { position : relative; width : 435px; background : url('../../module/images/435_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; padding : 5px 10px 20px; _padding-bottom:0; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg #imageContent { float : left; position : relative; width : 95px; height : 90px; } /* added or modified by Olivier lundi 24 avril */ .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg #contentdyn435 #contentRight { width : 320px; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg #contentdyn435 #contentRight h2 { font-size : 12px; font-weight : bold; color : #008000; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg #contentdyn435 #contentRight ul li { color : #000; list-style-position : inside; list-style-type : disc; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg #contentdyn435 #contentRight ul li { color : #000; list-style-position : inside; list-style-type : disc; } /* /added by Olivier lundi 24 avril */ #button435 { position : relative; padding-right : 20px; float : right; } .main435Top, .main435Bottom { width : 435px; height : 6px; display : block; position : relative; } .main435Top { background : url('../../module/images/435_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; margin-top : 11px; } span.main435Bottom { background : url('../../module/images/435_maincontent_greenbrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; _top:7px; } .main435 #imageContent { float : left; position : relative; width : 95px; height : 90px; padding-right : 10px; } /* block 435 border gray bg white 435_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg */ 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.maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .content .grayline { clear : both; display : block; border-top : 1px solid #999999; margin : 10px 0 -5px 0; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .content a.link { color : black; text-decoration : underline; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .content p { margin-top : 10px; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg ul { list-style-type : none; color : #7f7f7f; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .label { float : left; width : 150px; font-weight : bold; } #specmaincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg { position : relative; width : 435px; top : 20px; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .number { display : block; float : right; border : 1px solid #999999; padding : 0 3px 0 3px; margin : 3px 0 0 2px; color : #7f7f7f; font-family : arial, sans-serif; } .maincontent_435_graybrd_whitebg .numberon { display : block; float : right; border : 1px solid #007800; padding : 0 3px 0 3px; margin : 3px 0 0 2px; color : #007800; font-family : arial, sans-serif; } /***********************************************************************************************************/ /***********************************************Block 445px*************************************************/ /* ASSOCIATED BLOCKS CONTENT */ /* block 445 border gray bg white 445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg */ .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg { background : url('../../module/images/445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_bg.gif') repeat-y top left; width : 445px; margin-top : 5px; margin-bottom : 10px; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebgBottom, .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebgTop { width : 445px; height : 6px; display : block; position : relative; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebgTop { background : url('../../module/images/445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_top.gif') no-repeat top left; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebgBottom { background : url('../../module/images/445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_bottom.gif') no-repeat top left; _top:7px; } .cconverter iframe { position : relative; margin-left : -10px; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg .content .grayline { clear : left; display : block; border-top : 1px solid #999999; margin : 10px 0 -5px 0; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg .content { padding : 4px 10px; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg button.pbtop { width : 23px; height : 20px; border : none; background : transparent url(../images/445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_pbtop.gif) no-repeat top left; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg a.pbtop img { display : none; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg .content h2 { font-size : 12px !important ; font-weight : bold !important ; color : #007800 !important ; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg .content a.link { color : #007800; text-decoration : underline; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg .content p { margin : 0 0 5px 0; } .maincontent_445_graybrd_whitebg p#pbtomyeuropcar { height : 32px; background : transparent url(../images/445_maincontent_graybrd_whitebg_pbtomyeuropcar.gif) no-repeat top right; } 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